January 14, 2025
Puppets have been around since ancient times–literally. They were used to tell stories as early as the 5th century BCE, in ancient Greece. Aside from history, did you know that you can use puppets to support language and cognitive development with your little ones? Now is the time to unpack those fun childhood toys and utilize them in your daily learning routines. Below are some of the ways we use puppets here at the clinic on a daily basis.
1. Social practice
Use your puppets to encourage greetings and practice turn taking. Practicing saying “hello, goodbye, how old are you, etc” with a puppet can be a great opportunity to role-play with your child and practice before you interact with family and friends in a more natural environment.
2. Tea party
Practice your table manners by having the puppet be a model! A puppet can also “try” new foods to help show your picky eater that the foods are safe to try, interact, or play with!
3. Show that it’s okay to make mistakes!
The puppet can be the first one to try a new activity and show that it’s okay to make mistakes. It isn’t always easy at the beginning, but even a puppet can try it!
4. Comedic relief!
Having the puppet act out silly dance moves or knock-knock jokes can provide the best entertainment for your kiddos! The sky’s the limit to how silly and goofy the puppets can be! At the clinic, we have played hide and seek, have had the puppet make a mess in the treatment room, and have had him hide all of the books before! It is so fun to explore new adventures with your puppets!
5. During board games (another body to take a turn!)
If you’re playing one-on-one with your kiddo, the puppet can serve as another player in the game to practice patience, turn-taking, and following directions!
6. Eliciting speech sounds
Use your puppet to provide a model for your child while practicing speech sounds. Any speech sound can be targeted while using a puppet! Bonus points if your puppet has a tongue to provide an extra model for your children!
7. Reinforcement
The puppet can be used as a prize for completing jobs or chores.
8. Audience member
Use the puppet as an audience member to practice a school speech, practice show and tell, or practice narrative skills by telling stories to!
Ashley is a native Oregonian and the owner of Parkwood Clinic. She founded Parkwood in 2013 after working in a variety of medical, early childhood, public school, and private practice settings. She specializes in motor speech disorders, play-based and social-language groups, cognitive-linguistic reading intervention, orofacial myofunctional therapy, and caregiver coaching.