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Helping Kids with Language Disorders Summarize: A Step-by-Step Guide

Language disorders can make summarizing challenging for kids, but with a structured approach, it can be made manageable and even enjoyable. Summarizing is a vital skill that enhances comprehension and retention. Here are some tips that can support summarizing skills.

Understanding the Basics

Summarizing involves condensing information into a shorter version while capturing the main ideas. For kids with language disorders, breaking down the process into smaller, manageable steps can be particularly helpful. Here’s how you can do it:

Step 1: Pre-Reading Activities

  • Preview and Activate Prior Knowledge: Look at headings, subheadings, pictures, and captions. Discuss what the text might be about and connect it to something the child already knows. 

Step 2: Chunk the Text

  • Highlight Key Points by Sections: Divide text into smaller sections and as you read each section, highlight or underline the main ideas and important details.

Step 3: Use Visual Aids

  • Graphic Organizers: Use tools like story maps, mind maps, or charts to visually arrange the information.

Step 4: Paraphrase and Summarize

  • Paraphrasing: Practice rephrasing sentences in their own words.
  • Summarizing: Combine these paraphrased sentences to form a concise summary. Emphasize including only the most important points.

Step 5: Practice, Practice, Practice

  • Daily Practice: Incorporate summarizing activities into daily routines. Use different texts to keep it engaging.


With patience, practice, and the right strategies, kids with language disorders can develop strong summarizing skills. Building these skills not only helps in academic settings but also boosts overall communication and confidence.

Keesha Sarman, M.S., CCC-SLP


Keesha is a Speech-Language Pathologist who specializes in working with pediatric and adult clients to boost their memory and cognitive skills.

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