Parkwood clinic offers individual and small group therapy to improve play, social communication and pragmatic skills.
Social Pragmatics Communications Therapy in Portland, OR
Individuals enrolled in our play and social groups are carefully matched based on their age, skill levels, goals, peer to peer interactions and interests. All sessions are conducted by Parkwood clinicians and tailored to generalize learned skills outside of the clinic. Individuals must receive a Parkwood Speech and Language evaluation prior to enrollment in our group therapy program.
CALL US: 503-894-1539
Parkwood Speech & Therapy Clinic provides on-site and remote (tele-health) speech therapy sessions for toddlers and children across Oregon. Our brick and mortar location in Portland, OR near the Bridgeport shopping mall is within ideal driving distances for families in Portland, Lake Oswego, West Linn, Tigard, Beaverton, Oregon City, Clackamas, Wilsonville, Canby and more.